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What are the points to remember while a Buy Back Offer?

  • The window for doing the buyback on the open market is limited to 9:45 AM to 3:00 PM.
  • Clients are only permitted to sell shares in the BO or T series, which end in a 7, as purchasing is not permitted. The corporation carrying out the buyback is invariably the buyer in this series.
  • Only shares that have been settled in the demat account may be sold. It is not possible to sell T1 holdings or shares that have not yet been settled in the demat account.
  • Only CNC sell orders that are valid for Immediate (IOC) may be accepted. This series does not allow cover orders, iceberg orders, revealed quantity orders, or after-market orders (AMOs).
  • The buyback tax is subtracted before the cash is received in a buyback. In an open-market or tender offer, the firm purchasing the shares reimburses any taxes associated with the buyback. Buyback transactions are displayed individually in the Console tax P&L, and in this instance, there is no further tax obligation.
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